Hello St Paul’s Family!
September Birthdays – HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO….
Websites: St. Paul’s: www.stpaulscambria.org Community of Divine Love’s: www.cdlmonks.org Kristin Parish Administrator St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 805.927.3239
Hello St Paul’s Family!
SLO Deanery offering of "A Storied Pilgrimage on Race" - Our Diocese has put together a twelve session series which explores the personal stories of those across the diocese on issues of race. It is a holy offering of video interviews, education, action items, and room for reflection. Many of the leaders and clergy in the Diocese have been through the series, and we are excited to offer the series to all those in the SLO Deanery. Each session will be one hour on Zoom and will be led by the clergy of the Deanery. The sessions will be every other Thursday evening at 7:00pm starting September 8th and running through February. Zoom login information and session pre-work information is below. Each session is stand alone, so you are welcomed to attend even if you have not attended prior session. No reservation is needed, just join the Zoom meeting shortly before 7:00pm. This series meets the Anti-Racism training requirements of the Diocese. Thursday, September 8th at 7:00pm The first stage of our "Storied Pilgrimage with Race" series, Bishop Lucinda Ashby interviews Brett Wormley of St. Andrew's Saratoga about his life and experiences. "I'm not concerned with names or labels ... I care about what is in people's hearts." RESOURCES View a sermon by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, delivered to the 2019 conference of the Union of Black Episcopalians in Pasadena, Cal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEUw5sBk_SA&t=0s A documentary and interview with Pauli Murray, examining her vision of the Church. https://www.episcopalarchives.org/chu... ACTION Visit the Museum of the African Diaspora online, take a virtual tour, explore past exhibits. https://www.moadsf.org/ REFLECTION IDEA Listen to Stevie Wonder's Heaven is 10 Zillion Light Years Away. Using the same tune, write some lyrics in response to his song after all that you've seen, heard, and learned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIE6unjkXmc&t=0s ZOOM LOGIN We will use the Zoom video conferencing service for this gathering. Click this link to attend via your computer or device https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81150369907?pwd=Yzd5UTFwWXl2d2pTWk80NU1Tak5NQT09 To dial in call 1-669-900-6833. When prompted put in the meeting id of 811 5036 9907# and when prompted for a password put in 136424#, and then hit # a second time. Memory Lane- The photo albums chronicling the last 60 years at St. Paul’s are now available on the shelf in the southeast corner of the Parish Hall. Feel free to peruse them during coffee hour, but please return them to the shelf when done. Websites: St. Paul’s: www.stpaulscambria.org Community of Divine Love’s: www.cdlmonks.org Kristin Parish Administrator St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 805.927.3239 Hello St Paul’s Family! Sunday, August 21 Father Mark will lead us in our HE worship service. Thank you to our Volunteers this week: Ann G. (AG), Steve A. (Usher) and Van (Acolyte). Your Sunday bulletin is attached, as is the Weekly Calendar. VESTRY MEETING: the meeting will be held this Sunday the 21st after the Service at 11:30, in the Library. Save the Date: Time to CELEBRATE Michelle!!! The Lunch for Michelle is on Sunday August 28th at 11:30 after the Service. Please RSVP by Sunday the 21st.
Memory Lane- The photo albums chronicling the last 60 years at St. Paul’s are now available on the shelf in the southeast corner of the Parish Hall. Feel free to peruse them during coffee hour, but please return them to the shelf when done.
Websites: St. Paul’s: www.stpaulscambria.org Community of Divine Love’s: www.cdlmonks.org Kristin Parish Administrator St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 805.927.3239
Hello St Paul’s Family!
I hope everyone is enjoying another beautiful week. Sunday, August 14 Father Mark will lead us in our MP+HE worship service. Thank you to our Volunteers this week: Eunice (AG), Van (Acolyte) and Mary or Dave (Usher). Your Sunday bulletin is attached, as is the Weekly Calendar.
Time to CELEBRATE Michelle!!! We will be holding a Lunch for Michelle on Sunday August 28th at 11:30 after the Service. Please RSVP by Sunday the 21st. Please submit any Prayer requests! Memory Lane- The photo albums chronicling the last 60 years at St. Paul’s are now available on the shelf in the southeast corner of the Parish Hall. Feel free to peruse them during coffee hour, but please return them to the shelf when done. Websites: St. Paul’s: www.stpaulscambria.org Community of Divine Love’s: www.cdlmonks.org Kristin Parish Administrator St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 805.927.3239
Hello St Paul’s Family! Thank you for the warm Welcome. I hope everyone is doing well this week. Thank you to Michelle for her 13 years of dedication to St. Pauls! I would personally like to thank Michelle for creating a wonderfully COMPREHENSIVE guide on how to attempt to “fill her shoes”. I do appreciate your patience as I learn the ropes here. Sunday, August 7 Father Mark will lead us in our MP+HE worship service. Volunteers this week: Barbara M (AG), Van (Acolyte) and Dave P (Usher). Your Sunday bulletin is attached, as is the Weekly Calendar. AED training announced Members of St. Paul’s and Safe Harbor are invited to attend a FREE training on emergency operation of the AED life saving (defibrillator) device. The hour-long training will be given by Marcy Mullen, a certified instructor with a great resume. She recently trained our Vestry members and the experience was so positive that the Vestry decided to offer the training to all of our members. This will be Sunday, August 7, immediately after the service. Memory Lane- The photo albums chronicling the last 60 years at St. Paul’s are now available on the shelf in the southeast corner of the Parish Hall. Feel free to peruse them during coffee hour, but please return them to the shelf when done. Websites: St. Paul’s: www.stpaulscambria.org Community of Divine Love’s: www.cdlmonks.org Kristin Parish Administrator St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 805.927.3239
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March 2025
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