Harmony Hikes for July through JanuaryAn enthusiastic group of planners gathered recently to plan Harmony Hikes through January 2016. All of them will take place on the third Saturday of the month at 12:45pm. Some are close by and a couple will require a bit of driving. The next SLO Deanery Harmony Hike is scheduled for Saturday, July 18, 2015 at San Simeon Point. We will meet in the parking lot by the pier at 12:45pm and begin walking promptly at I:00 pm. All ages are welcome. This is an easy walk through Eucalyptus groves and along the bluff overlooking the ocean. We will have a stational Eucharist stopping at several points along the way to begin the service, listen to scripture, have a short time of silence, and end with Communion at the point. Dogs on a leash are welcome. If you have any questions please call the Rev. Barbara Miller at 805-712-0650 or email her at [email protected] to be added to the contact and reminder list. Harmony Hikes Schedule
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